Staff/Board Listing

Thrasher Opera House (TOH) is owned and managed by the Thrasher Opera House Corporation, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and operates under the guidance of a 14-member Board of Directors, a dedicated staff of four, and a myriad of enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers without whose help we could not exist!

Thrasher Opera House Staff

Rachael Avery, Executive Director

Jason Mansmith, Marketing Director

Katie Menting, Development Director

Kayla Reeves, Box Office & Events Manager

Box Office Email

Officers of the Board
Michael Shohoney, president
Todd Weir, vice-president
Helcia Bierman, treasurer
Lynne Johnson, secretary
Krista Norton, past-president

Board of Directors
Ric Damm
Michael Fine
Erik Johnson
Jared Kohlenberg
Sarah Loberg
Tim Lyke
Jodi Olmen
Kristen Rasmussen
Steve Yeomans

Honorary Board of Directors
Frans Eliason*
Robert & Patricia Francis*
Alan Hagstrom*
Patrick McGriff*
John Roesch*
*In Memoriam