Staff/Board Listing

Thrasher Opera House (TOH) is owned and managed by the Thrasher Opera House Corporation, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and operates under the guidance of a 15-member Board of Directors, a dedicated staff of four, and a myriad of enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers without whose help we could not exist!

Thrasher Opera House Staff

Rachael Avery, Executive Director

Box Office Email

Jason Mansmith, Marketing Director

Katie Menting, Development Director

Kayla Reeves, Box Office & Events Manager

Officers of the Board
Michael Shohoney, president
Todd Weir, vice-president
Helcia Bierman, treasurer
Lynne Johnson, secretary
Krista Norton, past-president

Board of Directors
Brice Alvord
Ric Damm
Erik Johnson
Jared Kohlenberg
Sarah Loberg
Tim Lyke
Jodi Olmen
Steve Yeomans

Honorary Board of Directors
Frans Eliason*
Robert & Patricia Francis*
Alan Hagstrom*
Patrick McGriff*
John Roesch*
*In Memoriam