Legacy Giving
Many of our donors are endowing their annual gift and creating a legacy that allows the Thrasher – and the arts – to thrive for generations to come.
Many of our donors endow their annual gift to create a legacy that allows the Thrasher—and the arts—to thrive for generations to come. A legacy or charitable gift ensures the future success of the Thrasher Opera House. When planning your gift giving, consider a legacy gift in your overall financial, tax and estate planning to maximize benefits both for you and the Thrasher Opera House.
A legacy gift can be made through a will, beneficiary designation, retirement or insurance plan. A charitable gift can specify a dollar amount or percentage and can be changed at any time. It can be directed to Thrasher’s endowment fund at the Oshkosh Community Foundation, or you can simply write a check to Thrasher Opera House referencing “endowment” in the memo line. This directs your gift to Thrasher’s endowment fund through LPL Financial.
Legacy Stories
Bob & Patty F.
There was a couple from Green Lake, Bob and Patty, who were around when the building was brought back to life in the 1990s by a local realtor. They followed the progress of the restoration, and when the Thrasher Opera House Corporation decided to take on the purchase of the opera house, they had their financial advisor do some serious research on the young nonprofit organization. They were satisfied with the results, and gave a substantial amount toward the building purchase, even hosting a fundraiser in their home. They continued to watch our progress for the next 12-14 years, contributing to several capital improvement projects including the remodeling of our office space, reopening the door that once connected the two buildings, building a bar/lounge in the lobby/gallery space, and spiffing up the office bathrooms that Patty had once deemed not fit for public consumption! Sadly, she died shortly before the project was completed, so she never got to see the “Ravishing Coral” walls in the ladies’ room, but we know she would have loved the color! She and Bob left a significant contribution to the Thrasher in their will, making the Thrasher part of their legacy, as it was part of their lives.
Sharon L.
Then there was Sharon, whose bequest was a complete surprise to us. She had attended some concerts at the Thrasher, but we didn’t know her well. She was single and had no children, and named the Thrasher as one of several charities she wanted to support after she was gone. Her gift has and will continue to promote the arts and allow others to share the joy of a live performance with those they love – something that Sharon cared deeply about.
Tom G.
Tom was a true friend to Thrasher from the very beginning. He and his wife were big supporters of the arts, often attending summer concerts at Thrasher when they were in town. Tom also had a real love for the history of the Green Lake area, having written two books on the subject in his later years. Of course, he included a lovely section about the Thrasher Opera House, and in fact, when the first book was published, he held a book-signing reception here – one of the very first events to be held at Thrasher after its restoration and reopening in 1997.
The couple was always complimentary of the progress and smart growth of Thrasher throughout the years. We can’t help but think it was that combination of love for the arts and history of this beautiful area that moved them to bequeath a legacy gift to the historic Thrasher Opera House.
Want to be Anonymous?: The Thrasher Opera House has a designated endowment fund with the Green Lake Area/Ripon Community Foundation, an affiliate of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation. If you wish to donate anonymously, gifts can be made directly to the Foundation without the Thrasher knowing your identity.